Ep 19 - Seeking Feedback; How To Overcome The Fear and Embrace It

Season #2 Episode #19

Show Notes

Does the thought of seeking feedback at work (or in life) fill you with dread?

Do you find receiving feedback difficult?

In this bite size episode Rachael riffs on why avoiding seeking feedback holds us back in our careers.  She shares:

  • Why feedback can feel hard to hear
  • Why we resist giving feedback
  • Why we might avoid seeking feedback
  • How perfectionism can hinder our comfort with seeking feedback
  • What shifts when we are courageous enough to embrace hearing how others experience us
  • And how it supports developing executive presence

Tune in to hear practical tips to receive feedback in a constructive way, to diffuse the heat from a situation if you’ve been blindsided by it and a simple formula to seek feedback proactively and to use it to your advantage to support growth.

Work with Rachael

Rachael is a corporate consultant, trainer and international speaker.  You can explore the ways to work with Rachael at www.rachaelbonetti.com 

Connect with Rachael


Instagram @RachaelBonetti